Improving Your Life Could Lower Your Car Insurance

I got my first auto insurance policy when I was 17 and had finally saved up enough money to buy a car. I just went with the same auto insurance company that my parents used. Over the years, I stuck with that company and never switched. I thought that due to my loyalty, they must be rewarding me with as many discounts as they could. One day, I compared insurance rates with a friend of mine of the same age, and he paid half of what I did! The next day, I looked into quotes from other insurance companies online and found out that I was paying way too much for my policy. That incident inspired me to start a blog about auto insurance. I don't want to see anyone out there paying too much like I was. Come back for more auto insurance tips!

Improving Your Life Could Lower Your Car Insurance

12 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

While you might view auto insurance payments as a part of vehicle ownership, you might still feel somewhat frustrated by the monthly amount you're obligated to pay.  That frustration could be caused in part by the thought that you're powerless and can't do anything that would allow you to pay less. Luckily, improving your life could have the unintended consequence of lowering those monthly payments. Here's how it could be done:

Raise Credit Score

If you have any hope of buying a home, getting another vehicle or using credit cards, your credit score will need to be good. In fact, even auto insurance uses credit scores to determine your policy price. When you're able to pay bills, receive more income or otherwise handle the debts on your credit reports and improve that score, a lot of things in life will improve, including your insurance rates.

Get a Degree

Bettering themselves through education is something many people do. A degree can unlock pay increases and better jobs, and it could very well have some effect on the auto insurance policy you've got to take care of. Generally, more education is linked to lower prices.

Move Somewhere New

A safe neighborhood is something everyone wants to live in, and if you can make the move to the best neighborhood in the city, you're likely to see that insurance premium decrease because of the difference in reported auto crimes. 

In addition to the better zip code, a move can sometimes provide the chance to store your car off the street. If you're able to get a dedicated parking space in a lot or will have your own locked garage, that could be better for insurance as well.

Get Married

Many people live their lives quietly looking for "the one". When you finally meet up with your soulmate and get married, you're probably already going to feel great. However, you'll probably feel even better when you discover that your new marriage status could decrease monthly insurance costs.

Bundle Policies

Having two or three insurance payments to make can be confusing if you're using different companies for everything. Luckily, you can bundle all those policies together by using the same company for all. In addition, you could find that bundling will result in some steep discounts in price so you'll pay less for your policy.

Making life better in various areas can sometimes lower premiums you pay your auto insurer. Consulting your carrier may reveal even more savings. Contact a company like Manassero Insurance Agency Inc for more information.

About Me
Is Your Auto Insurance Company Offering You their Best Rate?

I got my first auto insurance policy when I was 17 and had finally saved up enough money to buy a car. I just went with the same auto insurance company that my parents used. Over the years, I stuck with that company and never switched. I thought that due to my loyalty, they must be rewarding me with as many discounts as they could. One day, I compared insurance rates with a friend of mine of the same age, and he paid half of what I did! The next day, I looked into quotes from other insurance companies online and found out that I was paying way too much for my policy. That incident inspired me to start a blog about auto insurance. I don't want to see anyone out there paying too much like I was. Come back for more auto insurance tips!
